Well folks it’s been a minute… and I apologize for the infrequency of updates… It’s kinda been two fold- some amazing days that I have just embraced and run with it, and some thinking, processing slower ones.
So where are we... I am finally done with the nasty #1 AC (doxorubicin (Adriamycin) and cyclophosphamide (Procytox) chemo… one of the drugs being called red devil for all the right reasons. It is the one that my body really really didn’t like! I now have 2 of my 4 doses of chemo #2 “T” (paclitaxel (Taxol) chemo and it’s a gift compared with the first 8 weeks. The side effects are pain (manageable for the most part) and numbness in my fingers and feet. I finally have an excuse for all of those typos! I still like to refer to myself as having solid days because- as much as I wish I was- I am a long way from pre-chemo Katie. (Don’t panic she will be back just need lots more time). For my math loving friends, yes you are correct that means only 2 more chemo sessions to go! All salsa friends now over to you to start the dance moves! Wild to think that May 12 will represent my last planned session.
For those reading this for perhaps the first time here is a great link to tell you more about chemo.
So what next… After updated ultrasounds my tumours are responding well to chemo! Major shrinkage… and I am now very much eligible for surgery. I don’t want to bore you with details, or is now the time for that particular post (more to come I promise) but I am scheduled for a bilateral (double) mastectomy at the end of June!
How do I feel? This is a common question-
About the surgery? Good, I love the surgeon, I have confidence in her, I appreciate her honesty and advice, and she is highly regarded in her field.
About stuff in general? checking boxes is my happy place!! Finishing pieces, planning with dates for the next, it’s good for me.
Day to day? Now that is relative. It’s full of joy on better days, frustration I can’t do what I want, guilt, humour, and the occasional (but far less frequent) naps. I celebrate doing “normal” things and try not to overdo it.
What lies ahead.… So surgery at the end of June comes with about a 4-6 week recovery period. It will be hard- emotionally and physically, and I promise we will let you know what we need as a family to get through that phase. After recovery comes radiation- every weekday for 3-6 weeks every business day in KW. Reconstruction… if this is the decision I make this will happen approximately 1 year after the end of radiation. So roughly August or September 2024… yes 2024!. As I said this is quite the marathon, not the sprint, so if I haven’t reached out for a favour don’t worry… lots of opportunity ahead! (Just think how many fundraisers in that time).
We love all of the messages, calls and funny memes and please forgive us if our responses are slow… on good days I m partying (cough cough), bad days napping, and on other days chemo brain is a real thing… forgive me if I just plain forget!!!
